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Smash Designs   (SDS)

- We code - you vote !
- Born to be stoned

Founded by :
Dcp, AEG, Igor & Ivan on 4 October 1992

Group Types :
Demo Group, Game Development Group

Base Country :

Website :

User rating:********__  8.4/10 (31 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  8.5/10 (14 votes) - Public votes only.

All Members :
Ace   (inactive) (7-1995 -> ) .... Organizer
AEG   (inactive) (4/10-1992 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician, Organizer, Original Supplier
Baracuda   (inactive) (2/10-1995 -> ) .... Swapper
Ciaran   (inactive) .... Musician
FRaNKy   (inactive) (1/1-2005 -> ) .... Graphician, Organizer
Fzool   (inactive) (6/2-1998 -> ) .... Fullscreen Graphician
gALAKTUS   (inactive) .... Organizer
Idefix   (inactive) (7-1995 -> ) .... Musician
kb   (inactive) .... Musician
SoNiC   (inactive) (6-1996 -> ) .... Musician
Sony   (inactive) .... Coder
Steel Factory   (inactive) (7-1995 -> ) .... Coder
Alc O' Hole   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Bad   (ex) ( -> 3/2-1996) .... Coder
Bombe   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Calamity   (ex) (12-1996 -> ) .... Graphician
Chaotic   (ex) (6/2-1998 -> 10-1998) .... Organizer
Cheat   (ex) (2/10-1995 -> ) .... Swapper
Dasheele   (ex) (10-1992 -> ) .... Coder
Dcp   (ex) (4/10-1992 -> ) .... Coder, Organizer
Dirty Devil   (ex) (7-1995 -> ) .... (unknown function)
Doc Snyder   (ex) (1995 -> 2-1996) .... Coder
Emax   (ex) .... Musician
Firefox   (ex) (7-1995 -> 1996) .... Swapper
Gemini   (ex) .... Coder
Glare   (ex) (3/2-1996 -> ) .... Graphician, Swapper
Igor   (ex) (4/10-1992 -> ) .... Coder
Ivan   (ex) (4/10-1992 -> ) .... Graphician
Jak T Rip   (ex) (3-1996 -> 12-1997) .... Swapper
John Sinclair   (ex) (7-1995 -> 7-1995) .... Swapper
Marcy   (ex) (2/10-1995 -> ) .... Swapper
MVA   (ex) .... Graphician
Odi   (ex) .... Coder, Musician
Recoil   (ex) .... Musician
Red Apostel   (ex) (2/10-1995 -> ) .... Graphician
Rorschach   (ex) (3/2-1996 -> 14/8-1998) .... Musician, Swapper
Shabba   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Soney   (ex) .... Musician
Sungam   (ex) (7-1995 -> ) .... (unknown function)
Tale   (ex) (3/2-1996 -> 11-1996) .... Swapper
Tardox   (ex) (1993 -> ) .... Coder, Organizer
Teddy De Baer   (ex) (1996 -> 5-1996) .... Swapper
Tefal   (ex) (7-1995 -> ) .... Graphician
Titan   (ex) (7-1995 -> 3/2-1996) .... Coder
Wacek   (ex) .... Musician
Willy   (ex) (3/2-1996 -> ) .... Musician

Releases : (129)
DownloadFuer euch singe ich nicht ... 2007 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Breakpoint 2007)
DownloadIndustrial Revolution ... 2007 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Breakpoint 2007)
DownloadMarching Squares ... 2005 4K Intro(#4 C64 4K Intro at Breakpoint 2005)
Download4K ... 2004 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at tUM 2004)
DownloadExecute Overdrive ... 2004 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at tUM 2004)
DownloadKnulla ... 2004 Music(#1 C64 Music at tUM 2004)
DownloadTUMo8: The Better Party ... 2004 Demo(#1 WiLD Demo at Evoke 2004)
DownloadTurrican 3 ... 2004 Game(Released at Evoke 2004)
DownloadThe Return of Darkness ... 2004 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Breakpoint 2004)
DownloadCos-Mos ... 2004 Graphics(#11 C64 Graphics at Breakpoint 2004)
DownloadFallout ... 2003 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at tUM 2003)
DownloadThe impossible Thing ... 2003 4K Intro(#3 C64 4K Intro at Breakpoint 2003)
DownloadZion ... 2002 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 2002)
DownloadDecade 100% ... 2002 Demo
Decade 50% ... 2001 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at The Party 2001)
DownloadI Took the Blue Pill ... 2001 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at The Party 2001)
DownloadEchoplex  ... 2001 Music(#2 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadRaytracer ... 2001 4K Intro(#4 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadTriage 5 ... 2001 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadContact 2000 ... 2000 Misc.
DownloadResistor ... 2000 Demo(#?? C64 Demo at X'2000)
DownloadTurrican 3 Preview ... 2000 Game Preview(Released at X'2000)
Download4K MS2k ... 2000 4K Intro(#4 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadLiquid Love ... 2000 Music(#20 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadRuecktro ... 2000 One-File Demo(#13 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadTry to Understand (Remix) ... 2000 Music(#21 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadTriage 4 ... 2000 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadThe Official Results from Mekka & Symposium 2000 ... 2000 Charts
DownloadREA-M 50% ... 1999 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at The Party 1999)
DownloadOnly One Song Is Still Left (Remix) ... 1999 Music(#2 C64 Music at TUM 99)
DownloadSituations ... 1999 Music(#1 C64 Music at TUM 99)
DownloadWas Nun? ... 1999 Demo(#5 WiLD Demo at Evoke 1999)
DownloadDir(Wiz)Art Preview ... 1999 Tool
Download4K Power ... 1999 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadDriss ... 1999 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadMelody Rulez (Remix) ... 1999 Music(#15 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadNein, Ich Bin Blind ... 1999 Music(#20 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadThe Time ... 1999 Graphics(#23 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadCrush Preview ... 1999 Game Preview
DownloadCrush ... 1999 Game
DownloadFlatwild ... 1999 Demo(#3 WiLD Demo at Evoke 1999)
DownloadSmash Boom Bang #1 ... 1999 Tool Collection
DownloadTUM 99 Invitation ... 1999 Invitation
DownloadAngel ... 1998 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at The Party 1998)
DownloadDas Schweigen der Lamer ... 1998 Music(#10 C64 Music at The Party 1998)
DownloadMachines ... 1998 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at The Party 1998)
DownloadTriage 3 ... 1998 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at The Party 1998)
DownloadCross-Tune ... 1998 Music(#13 C64 Music at X'98)
DownloadScream ... 1998 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at X'98)
DownloadCompopic ... 1998 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Wired 1998)
DownloadCompotune ... 1998 Music(#10 C64 Music at Wired 1998)
DownloadLove and Hate (Remix) ... 1998 Music(#8 C64 Music at Wired 1998)
DownloadOutbreak ... 1998 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Wired 1998)
DownloadDark Entry ... 1998 Music(#7 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadMelody Sux ... 1998 Music(#12 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadOur Darkness ... 1998 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadPayday ... 1998 Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadSmash ... 1998 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadTyranny ... 1998 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadConcussion ... 1997 Music(#11 C64 Music at The Party 1997)
DownloadDesert Dots 2 ... 1997 Demo(#9 C64 Demo at The Party 1997)
DownloadMekka & Symposium 1998 Invitation Intro ... 1997 Invitation(Released at The Party 1997)
DownloadSecond Reality ... 1997 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at The Party 1997)
DownloadAetsch ... 1997 Music(#1 C64 Music at Wired 1997)
DownloadTriage 2 ... 1997 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Wired 1997)
Untitled ... 1997 Music(#3 C64 Music at Wired 1997)
Untitled ... 1997 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Wired 1997)
DownloadAlto Knallo Mucko ... 1997 Music(#10 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadBritbeef Symphony ... 1997 Music(#7 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadMystify ... 1997 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadNo ... 1997 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadProject Pitchfork ... 1997 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadSide-Kick ... 1997 Music(#4 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadC64 at Symmek '97 ... 1997 Misc.(Released at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadSymposium & Mekka '97 Update ... 1997 Invitation
DownloadOfficial Results ... 1997 Misc.
DownloadWired '97 Invitation ... 1997 Invitation
DownloadCyberbreath ... 1996 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at The Party 1996)
DownloadFade from Blue ... 1996 Music(#?? C64 Music at The Party 1996)
DownloadGirl ... 1996 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at The Party 1996)
DownloadMekka & Symposium 1997 Invitation ... 1996 Invitation(Released at The Party 1996)
DownloadOut of Control ... 1996 One-File Demo(Released at The Party 1996)
DownloadSpace Dream ... 1996 Music(#15 C64 Music at The Party 1996)
DownloadTriage ... 1996 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at The Party 1996)
DownloadDynasty #9 ... 1996 Diskmag
DownloadNitro ... 1996 Music(#12 C64 Music at The Party 1996)
DownloadRozalla Remix ... 1996 Music(#9 C64 Music at The Party 1996)
DownloadType O Negative ... 1996 Demo
DownloadSmashin Tunes 2 ... 1996 Music Collection
DownloadSmokey ... 1996 Graphics
DownloadBack to Atlantis ... 1996 One-File Demo
Download4K-Intro ... 1996 4K Intro(#2 C64 4K Intro at Symposium 1996)
DownloadElectric ... 1996 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Symposium 1996)
DownloadThe Ultimate X-Tracker V3.1 ... 1996 Tool
Download4K ... 1996 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadLaxity Intro #16 (Texture Scaler) ... 1996 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadMscgsmsh ... 1996 Music
DownloadCompopic ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at The Party 1995)
DownloadFlatline ... 1995 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at The Party 1995)
DownloadDental ... 1995 One-File Demo
DownloadLasershow ... 1995 One-File Demo
DownloadEnigma ... 1995 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Wired'95)
DownloadSmashin Tunes 1 ... 1995 Music Collection
DownloadBasic Demo ... 1995 Basic Demo
DownloadDesert Dots ... 1995 Demo
DownloadMarlboro ... 1995 Graphics Collection
DownloadCompo-Logo ... 1995 Graphics
DownloadFlatline Preview ... 1995 One-File Demo
DownloadFight Against Racism ... 1994 Demo(#?? C64 Demo at The Party 1994)
DownloadWest-Light ... 1994 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Rainbow Party / Radwar Party VII)
DownloadDo You Remember ... 1994 Demo
DownloadMetamorph ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadParty Invitation ... 1994 Invitation
DownloadStoned Words ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadUnknown Land ... 1994 Demo
DownloadCompopic ... 1993 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at The Party 1993)
DownloadFull Flavor ... 1993 Music(#11 C64 Music at The Party 1993)
DownloadThe Last Dragon ... 1993 Graphics(#27 C64 Graphics at The Party 1993)
DownloadAmgine ... 1993 Demo
DownloadCompopic ... 1993 Graphics
DownloadText-Editor ... 1993 Tool
DownloadTime Out ... 1993 Game
DownloadStreet of Illusion ... 1992 Demo(#7 C64 Demo at The Party 1992)
DownloadTriumpf of Steel ... 1992 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at The Party 1992)
DownloadPhenomena(l) ... 1992 Intro
DownloadBouncer V1.4 ... ??? Tool
DownloadChampion ... ??? Graphics
DownloadLevel Editor V1.3 ... ??? Tool
DownloadTriage 2 [1581] ... ??? Demo

Organizer of :
the Ultimate Meeting 2012 ... 2012  (Germany)
tUM 2009 ... 2009  (Germany)
tUM 2005 ... 2005  (Germany)
tUM 2004 ... 2004  (Germany)
Mekka & Symposium 1998 ... 1998  (Germany)
Wired 1997 ... 1997  (Belgium)
Mekka & Symposium 1997 ... 1997  (Germany)
Smash Designs Party 1994 ... 1994  (Germany)

User Comment
Submitted by Sith on 20 March 2017
Any news on a new demo? What are the SD peeps up to these days?

User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 27 August 2013
when i last talked to aeg (a few months ago) - he was planning on a new c64 release... so smash des. isnt fully dead (most members are quite inactive atm though)

User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 27 August 2013
AEG (and all other C64 guys from SD as far as i can see) even stopped going to parties long ago.... i think one or two sonic tunes might surface, but another demo is unlikely to happen anytime soon... too much shitty games on andre's todo list =P

User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 27 August 2013
Nah, they are still around. AEG has hopes of a new demo one day sometime.

User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 27 August 2013
Has this group died? Their latest demo is 6 years old!

User Comment
Submitted by Fzool on 21 April 2002
Hello JTR, Decade _IS_ a Smash Designs Demo, greetz Fzool MEMBER OF SDS, Thank YOU

User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 24 March 2002
Well, OK, I take back everything - sorry!
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